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HELPPPPPP, please gets brainliest 5 starts thanks for first accurate answer

HELPPPPPP, please gets brainliest 5 starts thanks for first accurate answer


Why was it very difficult to get laws passed under the Articles of Confederation?

Why was it very difficult to get laws passed under the Articles of Confederation?


SOMEONE WHO IS A NATIVE SPEAKER OR SPEAKES PERFECT GERMAN PLEASSEEE TRANSLATE Victor auf der Suche nach sauerkraut Victor wohnt in Houston/Texas in den USA. Er

SOMEONE WHO IS A NATIVE SPEAKER OR SPEAKES PERFECT GERMAN PLEASSEEE TRANSLATE Victor auf der Suche nach sauerkraut Victor wohnt in Houston/Texas in den USA. Er ist 16 Jahre alt und geht in die klasse 10 der Barack Obama HS. Seine Lieblingsfächer sind Musik und Deutsch. Victor ist sehr sportlich und spielt gerne fuszball; nicht Football, sondern soccer Der Lieblingssport der Deutschen ist fuszball. Deshalb will Victor nach Deutschland fliegen. Victor mag auch gerneen Er liebt studentfutter deutsche Schokolade und sauerkraut. sauerkraut macht strak die Deutschen fuszball sind gut, weil sie jeden tag sauerkraut essen, denkt er in hamburg wohnt victors Onkel mit seiner Familie de kann victor wohnen wenn er in Deutschland ist also fliegt victor im Juli nach hamburg hamburg ist cool Daniela victors kusin zeigt dem gast aus Amerika die Stadt sie machen eine hafenrundfahrt gehen ins Rathaus und in de hamburg dungeon. danach hat victor hunger er will sauerkraut essen aber wo gibt es überall gibt es hamburger döner und pommes aber kein aber kein sauerkraut Am Samstag gehen Daniela und victor ins Stadion heir spielt der hsv gegen Borussia dortmund der hsv gewinnt 3;0 voctor denkt dass die spieler vor dem spiel viel sauerkraut gegessen haben nach dem spiel fragt er julian green wo kann ich sauerkraut essen sauerkraut sagt julian ich esse kein sauerkraut ich bin Amerikaner also fragt victor einen deutschen spieler tolgay arslan der sagt sauerkraut ich esse kein v meine Familie kommt aus der Türkei wir essen börek nun fragt victor den trainer essen die spieler kein sauerkraut nein sagt de trainer dues ist hamburg essen wir labskaus das ist unsere Spezialität victor weisz nicht was labskaus ist aber er geht mit Daniela in ein restaurant und bestellt eine portion und fragt Daniela schmeckt dir das geht so sagt vctor nach zwei wochen fliegt victor wieder nach Houston zurück seine freunde fragen ihn hat du viel sauerkraut gegessen sauerkraut gab es in hamburg nicht aber victor hat labskaus entdeckt am Wochenende kocht er labskaus für seine freunde


How to annotate where the sidewalk ends

How to annotate where the sidewalk ends


if I have 59 mb and I download something which is 25 mb, how much would I have left?

if I have 59 mb and I download something which is 25 mb, how much would I have left?


According to Mama, when do people need the most love? A. When they are overly successful B. When they are infants C. When they are elderly D. When they are at a

According to Mama, when do people need the most love? A. When they are overly successful B. When they are infants C. When they are elderly D. When they are at a low point in their lives


What role did the government play in defining, protecting, and/or limiting the liberty of American workers during the Gilded Age?

What role did the government play in defining, protecting, and/or limiting the liberty of American workers during the Gilded Age?


Jane and Jill collect yo-yos. The ratio of the number of Janes yo-yos to the number of JIlls yo-yos is 5:4. If jane will give 15 of her yo-yos to her little bro

Jane and Jill collect yo-yos. The ratio of the number of Janes yo-yos to the number of JIlls yo-yos is 5:4. If jane will give 15 of her yo-yos to her little brother, Jane and Jill will have the same number of yo-yos in their collections. How many yo-yos do both girls have together?


In addition to respiratory support, how is metabolic acidosis diagnosed, stabilized immediately, and definitively treated?A) Diagnosis is primarily based on che

In addition to respiratory support, how is metabolic acidosis diagnosed, stabilized immediately, and definitively treated?A) Diagnosis is primarily based on chest X-rays, stabilization involves administering bronchodilators, and definitive treatment includes long-term oxygen therapy.B) Diagnosis is made through blood tests, stabilization involves intravenous fluids, and definitive treatment includes addressing the underlying cause and administering sodium bicarbonate if necessary.C) Diagnosis is confirmed through physical examination, stabilization involves antibiotic therapy, and definitive treatment includes corticosteroids.D) Diagnosis is established by electrocardiogram (ECG), stabilization involves nebulized medications, and definitive treatment includes diuretics.


Choose from the following words to complete the sentences. 40 points Charcoal, binder, gum Arabic, pastel, gesture, contour drawing, tempera, buon fresco, flax,

Choose from the following words to complete the sentences. 40 points Charcoal, binder, gum Arabic, pastel, gesture, contour drawing, tempera, buon fresco, flax, acrylic, water color, gouache, ink, intaglio, relief printing, engraving, woodcut, burin, etching, lithography, pigment, encaustic, casting, photography, carving, barrel vaults, stained glass 1. is a process which uses acid to mar the surface of a metal plate. 2. Polished metal plates are used for making . 3. A printmaker will use a to mark the surface of a plate. 4. Sticks of chalk, pastel and crayon are all made by binder with . 5. In essence, paint is composed of and a liquid binder. 6. is a type of paint in which pigment is mixed with egg. 7. A type of painting on a lime plaster wall is called . 8. Flanders grew , a crop which can be used to make oil and canvas. 9. Polymer resin is a binder for , which began to be used in the 1960s. 10. One of the advantages of acrylic paint is its lack of odor and clean up. 11. In the Roman era, was used for portraits on coffins. 12. An opaque painting technique, which uses gum Arabic as a binder and has easy water cleanup is called . 13. is done by carving away part of a block to leave​


As Americans we celebrate our unity anf also celebrate our diversity.why are they both strengths of our country?

As Americans we celebrate our unity anf also celebrate our diversity.why are they both strengths of our country?


briefly explain one significant contribution of the philosophy of pragmatism to the progressive movement

briefly explain one significant contribution of the philosophy of pragmatism to the progressive movement


What does the verb "deber" mean in English? A. To be able to B. Should C. Debit D. Will

What does the verb "deber" mean in English? A. To be able to B. Should C. Debit D. Will


At the start of a trip, a car’s tank contains 12 gallons of gasoline. During the trip, the car consumes 10 ⅛ gallons of gasoline. How much gasoline is left in t

At the start of a trip, a car’s tank contains 12 gallons of gasoline. During the trip, the car consumes 10 ⅛ gallons of gasoline. How much gasoline is left in the tank?


What do bears do for parental care

What do bears do for parental care


When working with whole numbers, which of the following functions will not always result in the answer being a whole number? A. Addition B. Multiplication C. Su

When working with whole numbers, which of the following functions will not always result in the answer being a whole number? A. Addition B. Multiplication C. Subtraction D. Division


"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you." Who said this statement?

"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you." Who said this statement?


The volume of a cube increases at a rate of 5 m³ /sec. Find the rate at which the side of the cube changes when its length is 8 m. Submit an exact answer in fra

The volume of a cube increases at a rate of 5 m³ /sec. Find the rate at which the side of the cube changes when its length is 8 m. Submit an exact answer in fractional form.


Which topic is the most focused? Olympic bicycling road race bicycle racing bicycling sports

Which topic is the most focused? Olympic bicycling road race bicycle racing bicycling sports


How did eisenhower's presidency signal a more conservative direction for the government?

How did eisenhower's presidency signal a more conservative direction for the government?


The equation for a consumption function in a simple​ economy, where there are no​ taxes, is given by C​ = 300 ​+ 0.75​Y, where Y denotes aggregate income. Auton

The equation for a consumption function in a simple​ economy, where there are no​ taxes, is given by C​ = 300 ​+ 0.75​Y, where Y denotes aggregate income. Autonomous consumption is nothing. ​(Enter your response as an​ integer.) MPC is nothing. ​(Enter your response rounded to two decimal​ places.)


Why do super heroes where their under wear outside

Why do super heroes where their under wear outside


The Daily Trumpet newspaper accepts classified advertisements in 15 categories such as Apartments for Rent and Pets for Sale. Develop the logic for a program t

The Daily Trumpet newspaper accepts classified advertisements in 15 categories such as Apartments for Rent and Pets for Sale. Develop the logic for a program that accepts classified advertising data, including a category code (an integer 1 through 15) and the number of words in an ad. Store these values in parallel arrays. Then sort the arrays so that the records are sorted in ascending order by category. The output lists each category number, the number of ads in the category, and the total number of words in the ads in the category. Using the following pseudocode. Thank you. // Pseudocode PLD Chapter 8 #7a pg. 366 // Start // Declarations // num MAXADS = 100 // num adcatcode[MAXADS] // num adwords[MAXADS] // num curCode // num numads // num i // num j // num k // num subtotal // num temp // output "Please enter the number of ads: " // input numads // if ((numads > 0) and (numads <= MAXADS)) // for i = 0 to numads - 1 // output "Please enter Advertisement Category Code (1 - 15): " // input adcatcode[i] // output "Please enter number of words for the advertisement: " // input adwords[i] // endfor // for i = 0 to numads - 2 // for j = 0 to numads - 2 // if (adcatcode[j] > adcatcode[j+1]) // temp = adcatcode[j] // adcatcode[j] = adcatcode[j+1] // adcatcode[j+1] = temp // temp = adwords[j] // adwords[j] = adwords[j+1] // adwords[j+1] = temp // endif // endfor // endfor // output "Total Word Counts Sorted By Category Code" // output "=========================================" // k = 0 // while k <= numads - 1 // subtotal = 0 // curCode = adcatcode[k] // while ( (curCode == adcatcode[k]) and (k <= numads - 1) ) // subtotal = subtotal + adwords[k] // k = k + 1 // endwhile // output "Category: ",adcatcode[k - 1], " ","Word Count: ", subtotal // endwhile // else // output "Number adds requested less than 1 or is too large; ad limit is ", MAXADS // endif // Stop


how do i do this,proportions I can't understand. please help with 2&4

how do i do this,proportions I can't understand. please help with 2&4


Solve for s. Im giving brainliest and 50 points. Please Help me 1/2 s=72 A. 1/7B. 2/7C. 3D. 7

Solve for s. Im giving brainliest and 50 points. Please Help me 1/2 s=72 A. 1/7B. 2/7C. 3D. 7
